Reisenetz building trust.
We strongly believe that our association should advance the professionalisation of youth travel, which will further and establish the significance and value of our members.
This is why we are so interested in supporting the practical and lateral synergies that arise from working in a partnership, benefitting all parties by:
- Assisting with questions regarding the foundation, development and qua- lity assurance of a project or member, by organising annual conferences, seminars, workshops and providing relevant literature
- Sharing professional and comprehensive knowledge amongst colleagues
- Discovering numerous B2B opportunities as a result of our heterogeneous membership structure
- Providing additional sales angles and synergies resulting from Reisenetz’s membership-led, cooperative marketing
Our members are reliable counterparts for teachers and parents. Given the particular nature of youth travel, they are able to provide the kind of safe experience that will optimally further a young person’s development.
Partnership is the key to professionalising the youth travel industry and trust the core element of our professional collaboration – within as well as outside our organization.